On July 25, 2012, the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs and the World Faiths Development Dialogue hosted Reverend Canon Dr. Gideon B. Byamugisha. His account focused on where he sees the present challenges, especially caring for and about orphans, youths, and other at-risk populations. Reverend Byamugisha spoke of his work with ANERELA+/INERELA (religious leaders living with and affected by AIDS) and his personal experience as the first religious leader in Africa to declare that he was HIV positive. In addition to a leading role in the Church of Uganda’s AIDS Program, Reverend Byamugisha currently serves as the Christian AID goodwill ambassador on HIV and AIDS. He highlighted his view that it is vital to move beyond ABC (Abstinence, Be Faithful, Use Condoms) to SAVE (Safe Sexual practices, Access to treatment, Voluntary testing and counseling, and Empowerment).
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