The New Republic of South Sudan: Primary Challenges, Paths to Development

Thursday, September 15, 2011
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Berkley Center Third Floor Conference Room Map

Following a referendum in January 2011 that overwhelmingly supported succession from Sudan, on July 9, 2011, the Republic of South Sudan celebrated its independence, recognized formally now as the world’s newest independent country. After decades of conflict that severely stifled development (South Sudan has among the lowest human development indicators in the world), South Sudan finds itself at a crossroads of opportunity and potential, though a long road of development challenges still lie ahead. Official institutions and governance structures are weak, and nascent development strategies demand large and sustained involvement from national and international actors. Religious communities have deep roots and provide many basic social services in areas ranging from education to trauma healing and reconciliation. Christian churches are in most areas among the strongest institutional presence. 

This discussion brought together practitioners, policymakers, and academics to examine the complex intersection of development, religion, policy, and practice in the newly independent Republic of South Sudan. What development path should and will South Sudan follow? How far can this newly independent country harvest international best practices? What role will faith-inspired organizations play, and how can their contributions best be integrated into effective development policies?

This event was hosted by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and the World Faiths Development Dialogue.

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