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Faculty News

Showing 1237-1240 out of 1322 News

July 26, 2010

Katherine Marshall Blogs: Bringing faith into the TB fight

The body of Simon Bolivar, father of the Latin American revolutions, was exhumed last week in Venezuela. Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president, is pursuing a hunch that Bolivar died of some nefarious violent act, and not, as the official story holds, of tuberculosis...

July 19, 2010

Katherine Marshall Blogs: The imam and the pastor

The unlikely and inspiring Nigerian duo Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye were in Switzerland last week at the Caux Forum for Human Security. Their partnership is unlikely because they were militia leaders...

July 12, 2010

Katherine Marshall Blogs: Religion's Invisible Women

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi, a courageous woman from the arid north of Kenya, devotes her life to building peace. She compares this work to an egg. "An egg is delicate and fragile. But if given the right conditions, it gives life..."

Other News

Showing 1-4 out of 1120 News

Cardinal Robert McElroy speaking in front of a podium in Copley Formal Lounge

January 6, 2025

Georgetown Welcomes Cardinal Robert McElroy as New Archbishop of Washington

Over the past decade, McElroy has visited Georgetown and engaged with events hosted by the Berkley Center and the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life. He also contributed a chapter to the Georgetown University Press book A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament, co-edited by the late Rev. Drew Christiansen, S.J., then a Berkley Center senior fellow.

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