Discussion between Ruth Gopin and Katherine Marshall: Amplifying Youth Voices

By: Ruth Traldi Katherine Marshall

February 3, 2025

Ruth was honored to join Katherine at Eva Haller's Salon to discuss their intergenerational partnership of over 15 years and work they have done, both together and independently, to engage young people and amplify their voices. Katherine and Ruth first met when Ruth was a 12-year-old climate activist who had been invited to speak at a conference in Switzerland. Ruth gave an impassioned speech urging climate action and Katherine published her own reflections about the speech to help promote the message. Given these beginnings, it should come as no surprise that subsequent dialogue and projects for these two have centered around amplifying youth voices.

From headlining a powerful youth speaker at the G20 Interfaith Forum in Japan to revitalizing a collection of youth papers on interreligious engagement, a common thread for Katherine and Ruth has been strengthening intergenerational partnerships (including their own) and advocating for the substantive inclusion of young people's voices in global challenges. A key project centered around tracking religious responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the transformative leadership of young women; lessons learned were incorporated into a joint paper for the Religions for Peace report "Youth Engagement with Religion and Faith in the 21st Century." Their conversation at Eva Haller's Salon reflected on these projects and more, as well as questions around who gets chosen to represent youth voices, challenges posed by social media, and the rewards of bridging gaps between generations.

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