Response: Countering Violent Extremism’s Subjugation of Women

Melanne Verveer
July 6, 2016
Does religion carry inherent tendencies toward violence or is it corrupted as a rallying cry to achieve other political, social, and economic goals? What can nations do to thwart the spread of ISIS and Boko Haram and religious persecution in countries such as Myanmar? As part of tenth anniversary celebrations of the Berkley Center, leading scholars and practitioners were asked to share ideas about this timely topic.
Response: Countering Violent Extremism’s Subjugation of Women
Melanne Verveer
July 6, 2016
Response: Grasping the Need for Each Other
Desmond Tutu
July 6, 2016
Response: The Trouble with Religious Tolerance
Veena Das
July 6, 2016
Response: When and How Religion Matters in World Affairs
Jocelyne Cesari
July 6, 2016
Response: Why Religion Should Say ‘No’ to Ethnic Chauvinism and Political Opportunism
Muhammad Saad Abubakar
July 6, 2016