Response: Catholic Social Teaching Advances Women in India
Maryann Cusimano Love
March 9, 2015
March 8 each year is now marked as International Women's Day. This week, bloggers from Rwanda, Kenya, Ivory Coast, and the United States discuss resources that Catholic social thought brings to the struggle for equality on gender issues. They suggest ways for development actors to learn from the principles of the common good, dignity, participation, and subsidiarity to overcome real and ongoing challenges.
Response: Catholic Social Teaching Advances Women in India
Maryann Cusimano Love
March 9, 2015
Response: Equal Development in Community
Drew Christiansen
March 9, 2015
Response: Gender Equality in God’s Plan
Emmanuel Foro
March 9, 2015
Response: Gender Issues and Social Justice
Moussa Soumahoro
March 9, 2015
Response: Pope Francis, Women and the Rwandan Experience
Marcel Uwineza
March 9, 2015
Response: Women, Rights, and Development Prospects
Patrice Ndayisenga
March 9, 2015