Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Bangladesh: What Roles for Faith-Inspired Actors?

Authors: Aisha Binte Abdur Rob Sarah Thompson

April 28, 2022

The COVID-19 emergencies have shone new light on gender-based violence (GBV), a long-standing challenge for Bangladesh, making the problems more visible and exacerbating them, with worrying indicators of rising domestic abuse and more child marriages. Religious actor roles, always a significant factor especially in perpetuating these trends, are also seen in new light, both to address negative facets that condone GBV and to advance positive collaboration. This report presents findings from a review of these factors, drawing both on available literature and interviews with both religious and non-religious entities working to address GBV. It elaborates specific action proposals addressed to the different communities involved: faith and non-faith actors, governments, external partners, and media.

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