Building a Better Bridge: Muslims, Christians, and the Common Good
Author: Michael Ipgrave
November 10, 2008
Building a Better Bridge is a record of the fourth Building Bridges seminar, held in Sarajevo in 2005. Building Bridges is a project in Muslim-Christian dialogue founded by then Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey and co-sponsored by Georgetown University. This volume presents the texts of public lectures given at the Sarajevo seminar together with presentations on issues of citizenship, religious believing and belonging, and the relationship between government and religion, with perspectives from Bosnia-Herzegovina and also from three other contexts around the world: Britain, Malaysia, and West Africa.
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Table of Contents
- Muslims, Christians and the Common Good | Michael Ipgrave
1. Believers and Citizens
- "In Broken Images": Faith in the Public Sphere | Maleiha Malik
- Christian Faith and National Belonging | Michael Nazir-Ali
- Faith and National Identity of Catholics in Bosnia-Herzegovina | Mato Zovkic
- The Identity of Christians in Church and in State | Bogdan Lubardic
- Faith and National Identity in Britain | Zaki Badawi and Michael Ipgrave
2. Seeking the Common Good
- Islamic Views of the Collective | Tariq Ramadan
- The Common Good: Catholicism, Pluralism, and Secular Society | John Langan
- Bosnian Muslim Scholars on Governance and Justice | Fikret Karcic
- Muslim and Christian Perspectives on Different Models of Governance and Justice | Vladimir Ciric
- Government and Religion in Malaysia | Mohammad Hashim Kamali
- Different Models of Governance and Justice: A West African Christian Perspective | John Azumah
3. Caring Together for the World We Share
- Christianity, Islam and the Challenge of Poverty | Rowan Williams
- Poverty and the Charism of Ishmael | Timothy J. Winter
- Speaking to the Heart | Ellen F. Davis
- Ayatology and Rahmatology: Islam and the Environment | Aref Ali Nayed
- Building Bridges in Bosnia-Herzegovina | Michael Ipgrave