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Religious Responses to HIV/AIDS

This curricular module explores the role of religion in response to HIV/AIDS, focusing on the diverse roles of religious leaders and communities and the efforts of faith organizations in HIV/AIDS response. Katherine Marshall and other panelists discuss ways to strengthen religious response to HIV/AIDS in a 2019 event summary “Ending AIDS: Faith Actors and Two Possible Futures” [PDF]. The event summary recaps conversations at a 2019 Berkley Center conference on "Two Possible Futures: Faith Action to End AIDS" [videos]. 

Below, you can explore more resources on the role of religion in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, including an expanded module guide, with additional materials on the work of faith-inspired organizations in HIV/AIDS response. 

These materials are designed to engage students with the following issues:

Instructors are encouraged to look through topics below and adapt these questions to their needs.

Doctor runs tests in a laboratory




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