Buddhist Peacebuilders and Fresh Challenges in Asia
Showing the Buddhist Peacebuilders and Fresh Challenges in Asia Video
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT
Berkley Center third floor conference room Map
Fundamentalism and extremism occur in many religious traditions and are the topic of much reflection in contemporary policy and academic circles. Buddhism, however, is far better known for its emphasis on inner peace, non-violence, reflection, and moderation. Buddhist leader Arjan Sulak Sivaraksa has a long association with Engaged Buddhist networks and is a passionate advocate for education and peace. He reflected on recent violence and polarization of views within Southeast Asian Buddhist communities, especially in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, as well as Buddhist teachings on peacebuilding and how leaders in the region should respond to the current crises.
The Berkley Center's Katherine Marshall moderated the discussion.
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