Governance and Faith: Consultation on Issues and Next Steps
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. EDT
Faith leaders and institutions play myriad roles in social fields but broad and sustained engagement on public anti-corruption and good governance issues has been somewhat muted. Why is this? And how might faith leaders mobilize to play a greater role in these areas globally? This event explored current efforts by faith leaders and institutions to address governance challenges internationally and possible avenues towards more effective engagement. The dinner discussion focused on ideas for faith engagement on transparency issues in the light of the biannual International Anti-Corruption Conference in Athens which also took place in the Fall of 2008. The meeting also explored the broad concept of governance and, more specifically, ethical, cultural, and religious dimensions of corruption, a challenge faced in every culture and society. The work forms part of the Luce/SFS Program on Religion and International Affairs to review leading issues involving religion and global development.
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Governance and Faith: Consultation on Issues and Next Steps
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Report January 17, 2009
Faith and Good Governance: Towards Strengthening Global Coalitions
This report outlines the role of faith-inspired organizations in seeking to improve governance around the world. In addition to surveying these growing activities, it examines potential areas for collaboration, particularly in the anti-corruption struggle.
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