Refugees and Forced Displacement

Tuesday, December 19, 2023
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EST
Location: Online Zoom Webinar

The leading religious traditions share the value of hospitality and the imperative to aid refugees. In practice, however, religious adherents are often divided on how to balance the rights of refugees against the interests of host communities and political demands. This webinar explored how various religious traditions are navigating the global refugee crisis and charting a way forward despite often deep differences in how to respond to displaced persons, the kind of engaged dialogue across difference Pope Francis calls a culture of encounter.

Participants discussed the roles religious groups and NGOs are playing in responding to the refugee crisis and how they seek dialogue and consensus across differences about how to respond to refugees. Attention focused on the practical and policy challenges to refugee integration in host societies and how religious groups can catalyze the institutionalization of improved policies and practices by government agencies.

This event was part of the Culture of Encounter Project's international, interfaith working group on displaced persons and convened by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University.

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