Religion and Development: Mapping the Terrain
Insights from Bangladesh, Senegal, and Kenya
Showing the Religion and Development: Mapping the Terrain Video
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST
Berkley Center Third Floor Conference Room Map
Faith-inspired actors have long played critical roles in global development around the world; however, their contributions can often be overlooked or viewed with suspicion. Drawing on new research carried out by the World Faiths Development Dialogue and the Berkley Center in Bangladesh, Senegal, and Kenya, this event sheds light on the complex and varied roles religious actors play in development. Taking a 'country-level' approach, the research aimed to provide practitioners with a focused view of the many ways local religious actors, institutions, and ideas intersect with national development agendas. The goal was to inform new approaches and highlight potential for positive collaboration between the worlds of religion and development. The event also marked the release of several recent publications, including the Bangladesh country report "Faith and Development in Focus: Bangladesh."
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