The Future of American Politics: A Discussion with Millennial Mayors

Thursday, October 4, 2012
9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Healy Hall Riggs Library Map

As the country looks toward the November election and what comes after, many are asking: What is right and wrong with American democracy? How can we improve it? How can young people make a difference?

Mayors Svante Myrick (Ithaca, New York) and Alex Morse (Holyoke, Massachusetts) discussed these important questions from their perspective as two of the youngest elected officials in the United States. Also participating in the discussion were two Millennial Values Fellows: Mohammad Usman (DePauw University) and Rachel Stanley (Elon College). The Berkley Center's Erin Taylor served as the moderator.

The discussion was part of the Millennial Values Symposium that brought student leaders to Washington, D.C. from around the country for a series of conversations about values and the future of American democracy. The day featured discussions with elected officials and media leaders, as well as the launch of the second Millennial Values Survey that explored how 18- to 25-year-olds view values, politics, and the 2012 election.

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