The Price of Freedom Denied
The Price of Freedom Denied Video Player
Thursday, October 20, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. EDT
Berkley Center Third Floor Conference Room Map
What happens when a government places restrictions on religious freedom? What does a society lose if religion is outlawed or persecuted? The Religious Freedom Project hosted sociologists Brian Grim and Roger Finke as they addressed these and other questions raised in their book The Price of Freedom Denied (2010). Examining the worldwide state of religious freedom, Grim and Finke conclude that circumscribing or delimiting religious expression in the name of freedom serves neither the interests of the government nor the polity to whom they are responsible for protection. Rather than protecting citizens from religion in the public sphere, the authors find that religious repression or restriction is instead linked to persecution, radicalization, and potentially violence. The event included a response from Jose Casanova and was moderated by Eric Patterson.
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The Price of Freedom Denied