In an increasingly globalized and competitive environment, educational opportunity is a fundamental requirement for success in the United States. While educational opportunity is a key component of success, the access to such opportunities in America is not equal. This nationwide disparity in educational opportunity has served as an institutional check against inherent American values such as equality and individualism, while simultaneously weakening our country as it tries to compete within the global arena.
In the 21st century we have found ourselves declining as a global leader in education. Addressing this issue is essential to improving the quality of life for individual Americans and ensuring continued American prosperity and global leadership. Educational opportunities are lacking for millions of American students in both quality and quantity. Educational opportunities are the building blocks of social mobility and the metric by which we can gauge the future progress of our nation. In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, our students must be more competitive that ever before.
This is a national problem that is not confined to a single administration, party, or level of government; it extends to the public, our values, and priorities. This is not a problem that the United States can fix by simply throwing money at it; the resources required will span all levels of government as well as require strong community support and involvement. The family values that are taught to our children will prove as important as federal tax dollars in this uphill battle.
Success in the United States should mean individual fulfillment and national prosperity. We should measure this success by determining how many of our students are reaching their true potentials. We have many miles to go until we cure all social inequality. Meanwhile, while this inequality exists, educational opportunity serves as means by which all students are given a chance to succeed. Our national shortcoming in providing equal access to educational opportunities is selling our students short. Investing in education today is the only sure was to ensure a strong America tomorrow.