Faith-Inspired Development Work: Lessons Learned and Next Steps
Faith-Inspired Development Work: Lessons Learned and Next Steps Video Player
Monday, November 7, 2011
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST
Copley Hall Copley Formal Lounge Map
The Luce/SFS project has focused on two principle components. A regional “mapping” project assessed the roles of faith-inspired actors on issues of global equity and development through a series of six regional workshops focused on the United States and Canada; the Muslim World; Europe and Africa; Latin America; Southeast Asia; and South and Central Asia. A second component focused on eight development issues surveys, consisting of expert consultations and issue reports on critical topics at the intersection of religion and economic and social development, including HIV/AIDS; gender; governance; shelter; malaria; tuberculosis; water; and maternal health.
The consultation agenda focused on accomplishments and results; key challenges and lessons learned; evaluation of successes (and shortfalls) in faith-inspired development programming; faith-inspired actors and the Millennium Development Goals; and next steps. Participants included key partners in the five year project, as well as organizations and experts looking towards next steps.
Welcome and Introductions | Tom Banchoff, Katherine Marshall
Mapping Faith-Inspired Organizations by Region: Experience, Knowledge Gaps, and Issues Arising | Patrice Brodeur, Mark Juergensmeyer, Katherine Marshall, Andrew Natsios, Elias Szczytnicki
Mapping the Work Issue by Issue: Responding to Opportunities and Challenges | R. Scott Appleby, Lynn Aylward, Samia Huq, Katherine Marshall, Quentin Wodon
Keynote Speaker | The Rt. Rev. John Bryson Chane, D.D.
Faith-Inspired Development Work and the Millennium Development Goals: Past Progress and Future Opportunities | Jeff Haynes, Tom Jones, Azza Karam, Sir Timothy Lankester, Midori Miyazaki.
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