Political Theologies: Past, Present, and Future
Political Theologies: Past, Present, and Future Video Player
Wednesday, October 15-16, 2008
This event was the inaugural conference of the Berkley Center's project on the Future of Political Theologies, which inquires about the meaning of religion's role in politics, especially about the enduring way that human reflection continues in the modern West to seek legitimacy for political and legal affairs in religious narratives and first principles. Leading thinkers and practitioners from within each tradition, as well as critics from outside the traditions, came together to examine core questions at the intersection of religious pluralism and democratic politics: What are the main trends and challenges for political theologies today? How do globalization, secularization, and pluralism affect political theologies? How might political theologies change in the twenty-first century?
October 15
Keynote Discussion | Mark Lilla, John Milbank
October 16
Panel 1: Domesticating Religion: The Abrahamic Faiths and the Rise of the Democratic State | Patrick Deneen, Jerome Copulsky, Eric Gregory, Paul Heck, Michael Kessler
Panel 2: Confronting Pluralism: Main Trends in Political Theologies Today | Jacques Berlinerblau, Jocelyne Cesari, Hent de Vries, Charles Mathewes
Panel 3: The Way Forward: Political Theologies and the American Future | Elizabeth Bucar, David Novak, Damon Linker, Robin Lovin, Erik Owens
Participating in absentia: José Casanova, Jean Bethke Elshtain
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