Symposium on Evangelicals and Foreign Policy
Symposium on Evangelicals and Foreign Policy Video Player
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
This symposium analyzed the effect that evangelicals have on foreign policy. Six core questions guided discussion: To what degree has evangelical engagement around development agendas increased over the last decade, and how does one account for the increase? What issues and priorities do evangelical groups bring to global development policy, and how do they arrive at them? What form of advocacy coordination exists across evangelical groups, and in collaboration with other religious and non-religious organizations? When did evangelicals begin to make foreign affairs a priority, and why? What specific issues have most galvanized the evangelical community (religious freedom, support for Israel, family values, human trafficking, poverty, genocide, etc.), and why? How do evangelical leaders mobilize public support for their positions and collaborate with other religious—and secular—advocacy organizations?
This event was co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and the Luce/SFS Program on Religion and International Affairs.
Relief, Development, and Evangelical Engagement | Serge Duss, Carol Lancaster, Rachel McCleary, Chris Seiple
American Foreign Policy and the Evangelical Moment | Jacques Berlinerblau, Richard Cizik, Richard Land, Luis Lugo
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Symposium on Evangelicals and Foreign Policy
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Report March 28, 2007
Report of the Symposium on Evangelicals and Foreign Policy
This report documents a March 2007 symposium that highlighted the opinions and concerns of leading representatives of evangelical associations and prominent policy experts on crucial questions about the increased evangelical agenda in development and foreign policy issues over the prior decade.
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