Response: What Islam Could Teach Donald Trump About Democracy and Freedom

David Decosimo
March 13, 2017
This week Berkley Forum asks, does our current system of vetting fall short, as the Trump administration claims, exposing Americans to the threat of religious extremism? If so, what improvements should be made to the vetting system? Would proposed extra vetting constitute a religious test, as some claim? Overall, what do you think this executive order (or a similar rewrite) will do for America’s national security?
Note: This series originally ran in late February 2017. On March 6, 2017, President Trump signed a revised "Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States."
Response: What Islam Could Teach Donald Trump About Democracy and Freedom
David Decosimo
March 13, 2017
Response: Travelling Fear in Global Context: Exploring Everyday Dynamics of In/Security and Im/Mobility
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
Aydan Greatrick
March 2, 2017
Response: Trump’s Politics is Institutionalized Islamophobia at the Highest Level
Farid Hafez
February 28, 2017
Response: Why Trump's "Muslim Ban" Makes Us Less Safe, Not More
Tarig Ali Bakheet
February 27, 2017
Response: The Urgency of Consistency: Religious Freedom and National Security
February 21, 2017