Response: Biden and Youth Engagement: A Generation Plan of Common Cause

Farah Pandith
January 11, 2021
December 11, 2020
Rethinking U.S. engagement with global Muslim communities will be a key priority as the Biden administration charts its foreign policy objectives. Under the Trump administration, decisions like the travel ban on a number of Muslim-majority countries often complicated the work of career diplomats worldwide and especially in the Islamic world. The administration took a rather unprecedented approach to American diplomacy in the Middle East, recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and inciting global concern over war between the United States and Iran. The Trump administration also presided over peace accords between Bahrain, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates in September 2020, although the long-term significance of the move remains to be seen. Trump-era changes to U.S. outreach in the Middle East and beyond provide the Biden administration with a host of challenges in shaping the future of American diplomacy.
The president-elect has promised to overhaul American foreign policy, providing a sense of relief to many world leaders. Initial reactions to a Biden presidency have been more mixed in the Middle East, owing at least in part to his complicated record on Iraq. Gulf monarchies close to Trump will be wary given the Obama administration’s openness to dialogue with Iran and its support for the 2010-11 Arab Spring. And while engagement with Muslims around the world was a priority for Obama—recall his famous June 2009 speech in Cairo—some have argued that those efforts reinforced the idea that Muslims need to be handled differently from other religious groups around the world. As the country prepares for a new administration, the Berkley Forum invites scholars and policymakers to provide priority guidance for the Biden administration on rethinking U.S. engagement with Muslim communities abroad.
This week the Berkley Forum asks: How should the Biden administration approach U.S. engagement with Muslims worldwide, especially in the context of Trump-era policies? What can the president-elect learn from the mistakes of the Trump and Obama administrations on this issue? Where is priority action needed by the Biden administration when it comes to American outreach to Muslim-majority states around the world? How can the new administration work to repair mistrust of the United States in the Middle East and beyond?
Response: Biden and Youth Engagement: A Generation Plan of Common Cause
Farah Pandith
January 11, 2021
Response: Biden Administration Engagement with Muslim Communities Must Recognize Diversity via Expertise
H. A. Hellyer
December 17, 2020
Tuqa Nusairat
December 14, 2020
Response: No Going Back: How Biden Should Engage Global Muslim Communities
Shahed Amanullah
December 14, 2020
Response: To Repair Trust and Relationships, Biden Must Act Boldly
M. Arsalan Suleman
December 14, 2020
Response: Biden Must End American Support for Islam’s Repression
Nilay Saiya
December 11, 2020
Response: Rethinking Public Diplomacy: Engaging Muslim Communities vs. Groups Who Happen to Be Muslim
Shaarik Zafar
December 11, 2020
Response: The Biden Administration and Muslim World Engagement
Emile Nakhleh
December 11, 2020
Response: Why the Biden Administration Should Stay out of the Global “Muslim Engagement” Business
Peter Mandaville
December 11, 2020
Response: Women’s Human Rights and U.S. Relations with the Islamic World: Advice for the Biden Administration
Kelly J. Shannon
December 11, 2020