Corbin Beastrom (Monmouth College) on Faith and Values
March 26, 2012
Is Faith the Only Sure Foundation for Values in Personal and Public Life?
Faith is not the only sure foundation for values in personal and public life; however, it is an excellent medium for achieving these ends and can harmoniously existence with agnostic or atheists perspectives. Since its conception in 1776 the United States has been a melting pot for immigrants fleeing religious persecution or a lack of opportunities. The culmination of their varying beliefs was a welcomed by the founding founders as they professed the importance of religious tolerance and social understanding. Today, over two hundred years later, this diversity and open mindedness remains a hallmark and a tremendous asset for the United States.
Faced with economic uncertainty, discord in the political discourse, environmental degradation, social inequality, and tumultuous foreign affairs, America’s ability to respond to these challenges will determine its success in the years to come. Adequately addressing adversity will become the responsibility of America’s leaders, policy makers, and citizens. Comprehensive and cohesive action will be a necessity if America wants to remain the land of the free and the home of opportunity.
The solutions to these problems will require the critical thinking and attention of a menagerie of individuals. A scientists, priest, congressman, professor, financier, or student will not be able to solve them on their own—they will need to work together. The compilation of their individual perspectives and unique experiences will afford them with a constellation of knowledge capable of grappling with the problems of the 21st century.
Though faith is a wonderful avenue for the formation of good citizens adopting an absolutist perspective on it, such as the one stated in the prompt, will hinder progress towards the common good. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty Gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Such benevolent tolerance in the private sphere continues to advantageously shaped public life. By embracing Jefferson’s message America recognized the importance of everyone’s beliefs, and in the midst of tumultuous times tapping into all of their wisdom will be the superlative means for preserving the sanctity of the nation’s “pockets” and the stability of the country’s “legs.”
The solutions to these problems will require the critical thinking and attention of a menagerie of individuals. A scientists, priest, congressman, professor, financier, or student will not be able to solve them on their own—they will need to work together. The compilation of their individual perspectives and unique experiences will afford them with a constellation of knowledge capable of grappling with the problems of the 21st century.
Though faith is a wonderful avenue for the formation of good citizens adopting an absolutist perspective on it, such as the one stated in the prompt, will hinder progress towards the common good. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty Gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Such benevolent tolerance in the private sphere continues to advantageously shaped public life. By embracing Jefferson’s message America recognized the importance of everyone’s beliefs, and in the midst of tumultuous times tapping into all of their wisdom will be the superlative means for preserving the sanctity of the nation’s “pockets” and the stability of the country’s “legs.”
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