A Jubilee Policy Agenda for the Brazilian G20 Summit

Debt, Climate, and Tax

October 1, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EDT
Location: Online via Zoom

A long and lengthening list of countries face critical financial and economic constraints that threaten progress in the fight against poverty, hunger, and climate change. This global challenge demands multilateral responses that call especially to the G20 nations and to religious communities. This webinar, the second in a series on priority appeals for action from global religious communities to the G20, focuses on the critical potential and responsibilities for action centered on finance. In November 2024, Brazil will preside over a G20 summit that will be the last before the 2025 Jubilee Year declared by Pope Francis. Religious leaders and communities around the world are organizing and calling on the G20 to take bold and urgent action to embody the Jubilee tradition’s message of hope and renewal. The coming Jubilee year will arrive in a world facing unprecedented challenges and threats: a worsening climate, reversals in poverty reduction, rising inequality, and intensifying wars and conflicts. 

The webinar, which brought together global leaders from different regions and traditions, addressed why the G20 is a key actor in the upcoming Jubilee and how it can coordinate actions on debt, climate, and tax to end global poverty and heal the planet.

This event was co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University, the G20 Interfaith Forum, and Jubilee USA Network.

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