Global Warming. Social Security. Crises in the Middle East. There is not a day which goes by that the Millennial generation, a group I am a member of, is not constantly being told of the broken world we will soon inherit. Should we be frightened? Absolutely. Are we? No way! We are the Millennials and we fix problems by Skyping, Facebook liking, and tweeting. We fix problems through our uncanny optimism and faith, that we will, in fact, change the world.
When we look back through time, it seems as if all generations share the Millennials’ sense of progress and optimism. Children of the last century, for example, looked towards the skies as humans took flight in spaceships and went to the moon. Today, Millennials dream of being the generation that will discover the first planet sustaining life. We dream of finding greener, more efficient ways of keeping our planet safe from climate change. We dream of being the ones who will finally be able to eradicate poverty and inequality from the streets of every nation. Yes, our challenges are steep, but we honestly believe that we will solve all of these problems and solve them we shall!
Millennials also wholeheartedly believe in equality for all. There is a belief that permeates among young people that every person in the world has a voice, and that all voices deserve to be heard. Equality for all is our motto, for we believe a world free of oppression and forced silence will enable us to solve the most pressing issues of today and tomorrow. We believe that this is our moment. This is our moment to show future generations that we got it right- a task, we all take very seriously.
So yes. We are the children of the 1980’s and 1990’s who grew up watching Hey Arnold, Doug, and Sailor Moon. We are the dreamers, the Facebook likers, and the Skypers, but you can just call us the Millennials.