Response: A Call for a Human-Cosmic Communion

Evelyn Monteiro
November 3, 2023
October 25, 2023
The Catholic Church’s Synod on Synodality, a multi-year process of listening and dialogue that began in October 2021, centers on the themes of communion, participation, and mission. In convening the Synod, Pope Francis called on Catholics to practice the “art of encounter”—to engage differences constructively and to seek out common ground.
The Synod gathering in Rome this October has become the focus of intense global media attention. More than 300 delegates representing different currents within the Church are engaging in a month-long discussion of contentious questions ranging from secularization and internal governance to gender issues and the continuing sex abuse crisis.
The Berkley Forum asks: How deep are divisions in today’s global Catholic Church? Is the synodal process a constructive way to address them in practice? To what extent is Pope Francis’ call for a culture of encounter, within the Church and around the world, a key theme of his pontificate?
Editor's Note: This series is ongoing and will be updated as additional submissions are received.
Response: A Call for a Human-Cosmic Communion
Evelyn Monteiro
November 3, 2023
Response: The Ecclesial Synod: Practice for a Dialogical Church
Julia McStravog
November 3, 2023
Katherine Marshall
October 31, 2023
Response: The Synod in Dialogue
David Hollenbach
October 26, 2023
Response: Peace, Participation, and Passing the Assisi Test: The Synod’s Theory of Change
Maryann Cusimano Love
October 25, 2023
Response: Pope Francis and the Art of Encounter
Thomas Banchoff
October 25, 2023
Response: Reimagining and Rediscovering Catholic Tradition
Gerard J. McGlone
October 25, 2023
Response: Synodality: New Wineskins for New Wine
Paul Heck
October 25, 2023
Response: The October Synod and the Challenge of Pluralism in a Globalized World
Jocelyne Cesari
October 25, 2023
Response: The Synod Is a Search for Truth
Andrew Prevot
October 25, 2023