Faith can shape how we interact with the world, calling many people to social activism and humanitarian work. The call of faith often challenges us to walk with and work for those who are most in need: the poor, the displaced, the marginalized. Faith can also provide the hope and encouragement needed to continue work on issues that seem insurmountable, such as climate change, hunger, and poverty. Answering the call of faith can play a significant role in shaping how individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives. In this collection of conversations, people share how they heard and responded to the call of faith.
The interviews below were recorded by StoryCorps, a national nonprofit whose mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.

January 6, 2019
More stories about: Social Justice Healing & Recovery
Dwayne M’Lean gave up life as a gang member and became a Christian minister after praying to God for mercy while serving time in prison. In this conversation, M’Lean and fellow church member Emmanuel Hooks discuss belonging to something larger than themselves and reflect on their ministry work to help those in need.
This story was produced by David Dault at Sandburg Media, LLC.

September 4, 2018
More stories about: Judaism Gender
Jackie Howard identifies as Jewish but has always had a complicated relationship with her faith, owing to her largely secular upbringing and her friendships with people of different religious backgrounds. In this conversation Howard joins her son Todd Slutzky to reflect on the evolution of her faith and what being Jewish means to her today.
This story was produced by David Dault at Sandburg Media, LLC.
June 28, 2018
More stories about: Islam Judaism
Rabbi Meir Feldman and Shaykh Ibad Wali both experienced spiritual and personal transformation as they studied to become faith leaders. In this conversation, the friends and colleagues reflect on what motivates their work as religious leaders and consider how faith shapes their outlooks on life.
This story was produced by David Dault at Sandburg Media, LLC.

April 1, 2016
More stories about: Race Christianity
Ronald English grew up attending Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., served as a pastor and prompted English to join the ministry. In this conversation, English talks with his friend and fellow pastor James Patterson about the experiences under segregation and the influences that brought both of them to become pastors.
This story was produced by StoryCorps.

March 10, 2016
More stories about: Education Catholicism
Rev. John Foley, S.J., and Preston Kendall played key roles in the formation of the Cristo Rey Network, a nationwide organization of Jesuit high schools for low-income students funded by a corporate work-study program. In this conversation, Kendall reflects on his spiritual and professional journey from pursuing a career in business to working in secondary education.
This story was produced by StoryCorps.

May 30, 2015
More stories about: Catholicism Gender
When Monique Gamache Venne was a young girl, she was fascinated by the Catholic masses she attended, but after the death of her father in Vietnam, she distanced herself from the Church. Years later, she rediscovered her love for the mass and sought to become a priest. In this conversation, she discusses with her colleague Linda Wilcox her ordination and immediate excommunication.
This story was produced by StoryCorps.

May 29, 2015
More stories about: Christianity
John Marboe has three jobs: as a pastor, a university professor, and a garbage collector. His experiences in these professions has given him a wide breadth of insight into contemporary American life, structured as it is within what he sees as a "disposable society." In this conversation, Marboe discusses his work and spirituality with his university colleague Sonja Ausen-Anifrani.
This story was produced by StoryCorps.

June 7, 2014
More stories about: Catholicism Education
Mike Moroski was an assistant principal at a Catholic high school in Ohio before he was fired for publishing a blog post in support of same-sex marriage. In this conversation, Moroski joins former student Kevin Stallo, who was inspired to come out as gay because of the post, to discuss the connection between the Catholic faith and social justice.
This story was produced by David Dault at Sandburg Media, LLC.